Friday, December 11, 2015

The Mezzanine Trailer

Here's our creative project for the semester!
Directors/Editors: Maddie Nelson and Lauren Monahan
Actor: Andrew Stelzer*
The video couldn't fit so I'm posting the youtube link.


*In the video, we accidentally spelled it Steltzer. Sorry for the confusion.


  1. This is such a cool trailer. I like how it takes a sort of light-hearted book and turns it into a trailer for an epic, hero quest style movie. The trailer had all the main themes of the novel, such as the broken shoelace, bendy straw and escalator, as well as smaller details such as the milk and cookies scene. I also think the reviews, especially the one from the gargoyle, were hilarious.

  2. This was completely hilarious. It's just really funny how the music is so dramatic, but then also juxtaposed against the mundane activities that Andrew (Howie) engages in. I think it was a great way to basically sum up the experience of the Mezzanine for the average reader.
